
New diabetes clinical trial: Accuracy of Continuous Glucose Monitors During the Perioperative Period in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes

New diabetes clinical trial: Evaluation of Fuling Yunhua Granules and Dihuang Baoyuan Granules in Drug Naive Type 2 Diabetes Patients

New diabetes clinical trial: Contact Cast Versus Posterior Slab as Offloading Modality for Charcot Neuroarthropathy

New diabetes clinical trial: Role of High-Throughput Whole Genome Sequencing for the Diagnosis and Care of Atypical Diabetes

New diabetes clinical trial: Assessing the Effects of Cool Roofs on Indoor Environments and Health in Niue

New diabetes clinical trial: STEP TEENS Weight Maintenance: A Research Study on How Well Semaglutide Helps Teenagers With Excess Body Weight to Lose Weight and Maintain Weight Loss

New diabetes clinical trial: Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Use in Pediatric Patients With Diabetes

New diabetes clinical trial: The Effect of Alpha Lipoid Acid and Vitamin B Preparation on Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient

New diabetes clinical trial: MaPGAS Decision Making

New diabetes clinical trial: The Impact of a Moderate Carbohydrate Diet in Children With Type 1 Diabetes on Hybrid Closed-loop Therapy

New diabetes clinical trial: Important Parameters of NIR-II Imaging in the Early Diagnosis of Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease