
New diabetes clinical trial: Training on Using Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

New diabetes clinical trial: Individualized and Combined Effects of Diabetes and Smoking on the Antiplatelet Activity of Ticagrelor in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients Undergoing Primary PCI

New diabetes clinical trial: A Community Health Worker/Pharmacist Team to Improve Blood Sugars in Diabetes Care Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring

New diabetes clinical trial: NAC Treatment and Outcomes in Patients With Advanced Atherosclerosis and DM

New diabetes clinical trial: Effect of HIIT Vs Moderate Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Insulin Resistance in Type 2 DM

New diabetes clinical trial: A Study to Learn How Well the Study Treatment Finerenone Works and How Safe it is in People With Long-term Decrease in the Kidneys' Ability to Work Properly (Chronic Kidney Disease) Together With Type 1 Diabetes

New diabetes clinical trial: ED Diabetes Screening and Outpatient Care

New diabetes clinical trial: Insulin Regulation and Severity of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome COVID-19 Infection

New diabetes clinical trial: A Study of LY8888AX in Participants Using a Connected Insulin Management Platform

New diabetes clinical trial: Evaluation of Some Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover in Childern and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes

New diabetes clinical trial: Concordance in Diagnosis of Periodontitis in Diabetic Patients Between an Indirect Method Based on a Photograph of the Oral Cavity and a Direct Method Based on the Clinical Examination of This Oral Cavity (Reference).